According to the website dosomething.org, more than 1.3 million students drop out of high school every year in the U.S., which makes them ineligible for 90% of jobs in America. Although there are many great programs that deal with the issues of high school students, prevention is always better than intervention because getting in front of a problem before it starts is key and that is why the PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN was created.
FLY FREE ENTERTAINMENT, INC and STREET TEAM MAGAZINE in association with community partners, presents the PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN to 8th grade students to teach various aspects of entertainment and multi-media which gives students invaluable information and a common sense approach to both business and life's challenges while being educated on various issues relevant to today's youth. FLY FREE ENTERTAINMENT, INC and STREET TEAM MAGAZINE produces, directs and records original educatinal content, including Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that are created by and starring selected eigth grade students.
The PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN is a positive social media program created to provide young people with valuable information, as well as counter the glorification of violence, hate and anti-social and disruptive
behaviors. The PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN was designed to foster positive ideas and images by focusing on various social issues that today’s youth are confronted with on a daily basis and is also a great tool for parents, teacher and school administrators to help them navigate through a sea of information that today’s youth are bombarded with via smart phones and the internet. The PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN encourages positive interactions on personal and Community levels. The Internet has turned our world into a global community and, as members of that community, we need to counter the negative imagery perpetuated via social media, video games, film and television programming. By sharing positivity through social media we can create a social movement that will save a generation.
The PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN focuses on the encouragement of positive action. Instead of perpetuating the current situation by uploading negative pictures and videos, how about capturing and uploading people doing things right. There is never a wrong time for setting great examples
Forty years ago, advertising exec David McCall noticed that one of his sons was having difficulty remembering the multiplication tables. However, he also noticed that his son knew the lyrics to many of the popular rock songs of that time. Inspired, McCall worked with a music composer named Bob Dorough to write and record the song “Three Is A Magic Number” and even created accompanying video animation. This song became the first of a series of ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ shorts that helped millions of children learn a vast amount of information from a wide array of subjects such as: Math, Grammar, Health and even Governmental issues.
From the 1970’s through the early 80’s, Schoolhouse Rock, as well as Public Service Announcements (PSAs) were synonymous with Saturday morning cartoons and learning. PSAs have been used to successfully entertain, engage and educate our youth with significant and positive results. Children sang the catchy tunes as they learned about adjectives,
conjunctional words and how bills are passed through our political process. Through the Ad Council, campaigns such as ‘Fire Safety’ (featuring Smokey the Bear), ‘Seatbelt Safety’ (featuring the Crash Test Dummies) and, of course, the ubiquitous “Just Say No” Drug Awareness campaign became a part of the American consciousness and contributed to a significant reduction in forest fires, auto fatalities and drug use amongst teenagers.
Through personal interaction, music, social media and lectures on common life skills, the PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN will raise the level of awareness on a multitude of issues relevant to the safety and development of our youth. This campaign will provide assistance to existing educational curriculums through alternative learning methodologies and mediums. Further, it will provide a virtual community filled with young people committed to emphasizing positivity as a way of life while fostering creativity, understanding and enthusiasm. The PARTICIP8 INTERNET CAMPAIGN will keep our youth and the community aware, involved and connected to social issues while giving our youth something exciting to be a part of.